iOS ver3.3.15 is now available

Show Destiny Birthdays

We received a request from a user about a month ago, but it took some time because we needed the results of the calculation for each date of about 100 years to provide them to all of you.

What we are displaying this time is the birthday of the person you are looking up, for each of the 10 years before and after the birthday of the person you are looking up, to find the birthday of your destiny. For example, in the case of a July 4, 1980 birthday, we present dates between July 4, 1970 and July 3, 1990, a period of 20 years. For example, if a person has a birthday between July 4, 1980 and July 3, 1990, the date of his or her fated encounter will be displayed in the “Birthday Book”. We are planning to add this function.

I received this request from a matchmaking coordinator I met in Tokyo the other day, who has about 1,000 people registered in her birthday book, and she asked me, “If it is possible, could you add a feature to notify me when a person I am looking up has a fateful encounter in her birthday book?” He said. This is quite a fun idea, and we are currently working on the mechanism. We hope to add this feature by the Bon holidays in August.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Of course, there are some things we can’t do, but we would like to make the application an idea of yours.

If you have any questions, please contact us from “Settings” – “Inquiry” at the bottom of the page.



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