iOS ver4.1.15 is now available

Reviewed the calculation method of Team Analyze

We chose two people to be the main TeamAnalyze people. Since the first two people are often the main focus, especially in startups, we adjusted the direction to first diagnose the compatibility of the two people in their business, and then find people who match the two people. We are currently adjusting the list of matches.

Added to FameBirthday’s Team

This time, we updated Kishida’s Cabinet, added SMAP, and since there was some discussion about startups, we added Apple and Microsoft at the time of their founding.

Spring Campaign

From March 1 to April 10, we will be holding our Spring Campaign. This year’s theme is “Encounters” Of course, whether you are looking for a romantic encounter or a business encounter, please get a head start on both. During this period, import/export of “Birthday Book” is half price. We will definitely make up a Team again, and once completed, we will offer Team fortune-telling for free during the Spring Campaign. Enjoy!!


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iOS ver4.1.11 is now available

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iOS ver4.1.17 is now available